Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lois in me.

While my college super cool friends are fangirling over Japanese guys and their music I am mooning over smallville---Lois and Clark. Sappy? No, way. They're one of the funniest and greatest couples I have ever met in my TV series viewing life. I would spend rare nights just watching the couple fight with each other and still, fight with each other.

Little did I know, it was my own experience that led me to become attached to this dynamic duo, specifically, Lois Lane.

"He's practically an icon, "The man of tomorrow". And I'm just Lois Lane, the girl who writes about it"

I've been struck by the little kid with heart shaped bow and arrow before and as hard as it is, the wounds still creep into me once in awhile. Like no matter what I do, it feels like I'm left behind. Behind him. I've never written much about my past feelings (well, not at least not electronically) so what's the difference now? Why, after almost three years, am I writing this now?
Lois Lane.

We all do the things we do for a reason, consciously or not. Several times, myself included, we claim that we have no idea...why we're smiling alone, talking to ourself, crying to sleep, watching silly movies, listening to this song or that, getting depressed, laughing out loud, but the truth is, we know...we're just afraid to admit it.

Her character is a part of me I can deny no longer so I must write it down.

"Right. So, when the occasional feelings flare up, you just got to trust your gut, as hard as it is, and realize that you broke up for a reason."

Anyway, I don't always feel like this. I can be more ignorant than what I deserve and need. It's just times like this. When inspirations come :)

**quotes taken from Smallville Season 8 Episode "Toxic"

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