Sunday, February 22, 2009

To my professor

I've said it once and I'm saying it again, "I'm not that good a writer" and I've seen better. In the eighteen years, two months, and 22 days of my life I have never been truly confident with showing others what I write because it was just like sharing my deepest secrets and inner thoughts to people who I don't even know. But then, lately, I realized what influence and information I may give to others just by writing.

And I would never have thought of doing so without my professor, Sir Abe Rotor whom I and my good friend Audrey would secretly(except now it's no longer a secret) call "Tatay". He is like a father figure and at the same time wise dude for us, a type of guy who could gladly inspire anyone who would also gladly listen to him, otherwise, every words he would say are seemingly useless.

So anyway, I am probably one of the thousand living humans who dares to listen to this wise man. And though I may not be able to write like him especially not with poems (simply not my forte) and also incapable of writing at least three articles a day, I would still do my best to write, write, write, and write!

No matter how bad, at least I do something about it, right?

Here is the blog of my professor:

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